Schizophrenia – what it is and the possible treatment

  • Schizophrenia – what it is and the possible treatment

    Posted by Sample Profile Patient on October 11, 2021 at 15:00

    Recently, I am diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I want to know more about this problem and also I have certain questions:

    1. Is it Curable

    2. If yes, how long it will take for me to recover

    3. Will I be able to live a normal life

    4. I have finished my graduation. Can I apply for some job in any reputed organization.

    5. Do I need to take medicines life-long

    6. Can I tell my friends/ relatives that I am diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

    7. What all things I should do or should not do to manage with the problem.

    8. What should be the course of treatment – medicine only or need counselling also.

    Pls help me.

    Richa Sonkar replied 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Sample Profile Patient

    October 21, 2021 at 10:06
    38 Brownie Points


    I am 22 yrs old (male) and in consultation with Psychiatrist and on Medicines as advised by him. The assessment was conducted by Clinical Psychologist and reviewed by Psychiatrist.

    • Richa Sonkar

      March 3, 2022 at 01:28
      66 Brownie Points

      I also watched a hollywood movie where the character suffered from Schizophrenia, a real life based story. Movie named- “A Beautiful Mind”

      I got courage after watching it helped me too… U can have that too

  • Richa Sonkar

    March 3, 2022 at 01:20
    66 Brownie Points

    Hey dear, listen! Seek help if needed, not to worry… Take medications as by dr. Believe in you, Ialso was taking medications since 4 yrs by psychiatrist, Iam sharing my own experience when it became over dependent I decided to leave it, though I m stll facing withdrawal symptoms, and many other issues, I again visited after long time he asked me for psychometric test and counselling. I dont why but I, being a pschology student trying to apply all principles on myself to cure me. I m being adviced by my psychology professor that in emergency visit Dr., also if needed go to psychologist if they feel u need medications they will surely advice

  • Richa Sonkar

    March 3, 2022 at 01:24
    66 Brownie Points

    If u need anyone to talk to surely do that.. Accept that u r facing this it may happen… I wish u recover soon☺Find reason to get up, God n you can help yrself… Dr. will definitely help

    .. I will also suggest u tgat after session try to apply it in yr daily life for better prognosis… Dont do that session is ended now its over try to make up and have good diet, if possible try to exercize a bit not neccessarily walk or yoga/ meditation will also help… I myself do cause I lack sleep bt this helps me loads

    Nothing is impossible right!? Uwill surely be cured .. Have faith!☺😇

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